Game Request

  • Read The Rules (Below) Carefully Before Requesting.
  • Before request a game, enter game name in the Search box or visit (PC Games List) , find using [Ctrl] + [F] button and must confirm that your requesting game is not uploaded!
  • Don’t request Multiplayer Online, Online servers and games that require you to be connected to the Internet!
  • Don’t request freeware games at all.
  • You are only allowed to request One game per day!
  • Don’t spam or promote other websites! You’ll Be Banned.
  • Enter The Full Name Of The Game When Requesting.
  • Pictures & Videos Not Allowed.
  • You Can Also Request Your Favorite File Hosting Site (Like: Mega, Box, Google Drive etc)
  • Don’t Be Rude, Racist & Sexist. Respect Your Peers!
  • Example of Submitting Comment *
  • Game Name: (enter game name here)
    Request: (New to Upload | Re-Upload | Upload In Parts)
    Upload it to: (TheFilesLocker “Default”)
  • Recent Requested Games Published: